Ütközés két dimenzióban Apparátus-Momentum, Kinetikus energia tanulmány

Ütközés két dimenzióban Apparátus-Momentum, Kinetikus energia tanulmány

The Collision in Two Dimensions Apparatus allows students to study the conservation of momentum and kinetic energy change in collisions by investigating the difference between elastic, inelastic, and partially elastic collisions.

Kategóriák: , Címkék: , , , , ,


Ütközés két dimenziós készülékben is designed for students to study conservation of momentum and kinetic energy change in collisions. It can also be used to investigate elastic and inelastic collisions.This Ütközés két dimenziós készülékben comprises a curved aluminum track mounted vertically on a 25cm length and 10cm width flat metal base with an adjustable target support.The track includes an 22cm length inclined section and a 8cm length straight section.

A steel ball in is held at the top of a curved aluminum track.When the ball is released, it travels down the track and collides with another ball placed on an adjustable target support.Students then observe how the two balls fall. A plumb bob attached to the target support provides height of point of collision from the ground and the position on the ground that corresponds to the point of collision.

The Ütközés két dimenziós készülékben comes with a steel ball, a glass ball, a lightweight and instructions. Includes a clamp to attach to a table.




Main Technical Parameters


Ütközés két dimenziós készülékben

Main Technical Parameters

Ütközés két dimenziós készülékben Specification
SKU 0201010450A
Size of flat metal base 25*10cm
Overall length of the track 30cm
Diameter of steel ball 22mm
Overall height of apparatus 15cm
Weight of the apparatus 500g

SKU 0201010450B

*Products and configuration list described herein are subject to changes without notice.




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