Ticker Timer için Yedek Karbon Kağıdı

Ticker Timer için Yedek Karbon Kağıdı

Ticker Timer için Yedek Karbon Kağıdı is an accessory for use with Ticker Tape Timer. Each disc is about 38mm diameter with a central hole.

The disc is placed on the platform so a dot appears on the paper tape at the same rate as the hammer vibrates. They can be used numerous times before they are exhausted.

Pack of 10.


Ticker Timer için Yedek Karbon Kağıdı is an accessory for use with Ticker Tape Timer. Each disc is about 38mm diameter with a central hole.

The disc is placed on the platform so a dot appears on the paper tape at the same rate as the hammer vibrates. They can be used numerous times before they are exhausted.

Pack of 10.

Ana teknik parametreler

Ticker Timer için Yedek Karbon Kağıdı

Ana teknik parametreler

Yedek Karbon Kağıt Diski Şartname
SKU 0201110191
Diameter 3.8santimetre
hayır Pack of 10
Color Navy blue

*Burada açıklanan ürünler ve konfigürasyon listesi, önceden haber verilmeksizin değiştirilebilir..




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